Monday, April 2, 2012

Email: 2 April 2012

I loved seeing the pictures! I'm so excited for Josh and Jenni! Chris does look great!

I definitely felt the most direction from Elder Andersen's talk. I loved the point he made about "What does Christ think of me?" That really got me thinking about some of my fears about missionary work. I realized it doesn't matter what ANYBODY in the world thinks of me. What really matters is what Christ think of me. There were so many things I learned from conference about faith. Which is something I'm working on.

I had a great birthday! Sister Bowles filled the apartment with balloons while I was taking a shower. :) We also made crepes on Sunday morning for breakfast. She also texted all the missionaries in our zone and some of the ward members. They all wished me a happy birthday. It was nice! As you now know, we went to the Burke's home for dinner. I'm glad you got the picture they sent you. They are an awesome family! Sister Burke made lasagna for dinner and it was AMAZING! I guess the meet in the lasagna was wild boar that Brother Burke had hunted. It was delicious!

Also, the picture you sent on the SD card.... well there were no pictures. Could you please resend pictures on a different SD card as soon as possible? If you could send pictures of the family (mom, dad, siblings, dog). You don't have to take new pictures, you can just send some you've already taken. :D Also any pictures you originally had sent that I didn't get. I would love to have pictures from the temple just before I went into the MTC (you still have my other SD card. The one you sent back to me was for my audiorecorder). Sister Bowles is being transferred on the 11th and I want to show her pictures of everybody before she leaves.

That brings me to some big news.... Sister Bowles is being transferred. :( Sister Bowles and I are shocked she is leaving. We thought for sure she would finish training me. I will be getting a new trainer on the 11th. I don't know who it is though. I'm kind of nervous if I'm being honest. I have some BIG shoes to fill. Sister Bowles is incredible. Keep Sister Bowles in your prayers. I already know you pray for me. ;) She has been in this area for 10 months. This is her first and only area and now she is leaving it. Its been a little emotional for the both of us.

I have LOVED serving with her in the Village area. She has had such an impact on the area and the ward and it's members. She has helped to build the ward and the ward's love of missionary work. I hope and pray to be the kind of missionary she is. She is a wonderful example to me and a wonderful leader. I have learned more from her example than anything she ever told me about being a missionary.

Sister Bowles and I have become very close over the last five weeks. We have developed a friendship that will last throughout the mission as well as after we both return. It's going to be tough to say goodbye, but I have faith this is what the Lord want to happen. I am a little nervous about getting a new trainer, especially if she doesn't know the people or the area. However, I have felt strengthened through personal prayer as well as from the prayers Sister Bowles offers.

I can't express enough gratitude to my Heavenly Father for being able to serve with Sister Bowles in the last 5 weeks. She has taught me how to follow the promptings of the Spirit, how to exercise my faith that the Lord will provide, and she has taught me how to really listen during prayers for answers. She did all this by her example to me.

Sister Bowles has laid such a great foundation here in the Village area! I am excited to continue serving here and hope and pray to be able to continue in this great work with the same diligence and persistence as Sister Bowles.

I have a funny story for everybody! Sister Bowles and I were knocking on door yesterday before we went to our dinner appointment. The guy answered and I started off introducing myself as a missionary from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints but then I said I was sister Bowles and without missing a beat, Sister Bowles introduced herself as Sister Record. I was totally thrown off and trying not to laugh. The guy wasn't interested anyway, but I couldn't help but laugh at what happened.

Thanks for all you prayers and love from home! I sure love y'all! :D

Love, Sister Record

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