Monday, July 15, 2013

Miracles Abound!

It's been a pretty amazing week! Sister Loveland and I wanted to start doing this thing we call "power hour". We got the idea from President Walkenhorst. We weren't able to start it until Sister Zaleski came to Stillwater though. So what is power hour? We go to a member's home and teach them about faith and miracles. We then ask them to pray for and with us for the people we will be talking to for the next hour. We ask them to expect miracles to happen in the next hour.

Then my companion and I go out and talk to everybody we see. We are bold in testifying of the restored gospel. After power hour is over, we go back to the member's home and share with them the miracle that happened.

On Saturday we had 3 hours of tracting time. We decided to go do our power hour for the first time. We chose to go to one family that we eat a lot with and who come out with us a lot. I just felt strongly that we needed to go over there.

Anyway, we introduced them to "power hour" and both of them were awesome! As we left we started walking one way. Sister Zaleski felt she should grab another Book of Mormon from the car. After that I saw a woman on the other end of the street watering her yard. We went to talk to her..... and she completely rejected us. She wouldn't even accept a pass along card. So we turned around and walked the way we came.

Both Sister Zaleski and I felt prompted to knock on a door on this street. We did and the woman we talked to had just talked to her husband the day before saying that they needed to find a church. They wanted to have a strong family with Christ at the center of their family. It was amazing! We are going back on Tuesday to teach them more! MIRACLE! We had other miracles but that was the biggest one.

After the hour was up, we went back to Brother and Sister K to tell them about the miracles. They were so excited to hear about their neighbor who is interested in learning more. It was a faith building experience for them as well as for us. It was POWERFUL! I feel so blessed that God used Sister Zaleski and I to do his work. The Spirit was so strong as we knelt with brother and sister K in their living room before we left.

The Spirit of God is what changes hearts. When we open our mouths and act in faith, God provides miracles. He allows us to be a part of His great work! It is incredible!

We have an amazing person getting baptized this Friday! wooo! I'm so excited! The only thing we have not taught her is tithing. Our Relief Society lesson was on tithing. After the lesson she told us that as she grew up her mom would pay tithing but she was never "sold" on the idea. She told us that now she realizes that she owes God for everything she has. After relief society she went and paid her tithing. :) It was such a tender moment. Her and her daughter had been saving and collecting money for a few weeks so they could pay tithing to the best of their knowledge of what tithing was. The spirit is really working with her. I can't wait for her to get baptized!

I am so thankful for this opportunity I have to represent the Lord, Jesus Christ, in this amazing place! I love Oklahoma! I feel so blessed that I get to serve my mission here. :D I love you all!

I read something that I absolutely love! If you are struggling, I would ask you to remember this: "In the gospel of Jesus Christ, you have help from both sides of the veil, and you must never forget that. When disappointment and discouragement strike... you remember and never forget that if our eyes could be opened we would see horses and chariots of fire as far as the eye can see riding at reckless speed to come to our protection." Elder Jeffrey R Holland, Apostle of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Love, Sister Record

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