Monday, May 7, 2012

Questions: 7 May 2012

Eric: How is the weather, and do you like it?
The weather here the past few days has been HOT AND HUMID. It feels like summer time in Utah, just add humidity. I'm not looking forward to summer. Last summer the heat was pretty intense. It was 115-120 degrees outside for 3 weeks straight. I guess July and August here are pretty brutal. haha! People keep telling me that even at night it doesn't cool off. I will be drinking quite a lot of water! :D

Dad: What is Sister Buckley's first name and where is she from?
Taryn from Kaysville, UT

Dad: Did you here any tornado sirens during the storms?
A few weeks ago the sirens went off at 2am. Every Saturday the siren go off at noon as a test, so I hear the siren once a week.

Dad: Please tell Sister Buckley I think she is a wonderful artist.
I think so too. I will tell her that :)

Dad: Does Sister Buckley have a blog?

Dad: What are Sister Buckley's greatest qualities?
Oh where should I start! Sister Buckley is so much fun to be around and always makes me laugh. She is a very powerful teacher. She loves to learn new things. She calls herself a "scripture nerd" she loves the scriptures. She loves to talk about the gospel. Our companion studies are always great! :D

Dad: I posted the 50 questions to your blog and challenged everyone to read the Book of Mormon and find the answers.
AWESOME!!!! I love it! Thanks so much dad! Will you also find on YouTube the song Come See the Light by Freddie Ashby and post the link. Sister Buckley showed this song to me and I LOVE it! It is beautiful!

Dad: Will you please share one of your own defining moments?
I feel like have had quite a few defining moments in my life. The biggest one is kind of personal, so I will share another defining moment for me in my life. I would have to say my decision to move out and go to Snow College was a defining moment. I had to choose for myself if I wanted to keep doing the things I had been taught all my life. I had to choose for myself if I wanted to strengthen and develop my own testimony of the Gospel.
Nobody was around to tell me to go to church, to read my scriptures, etc. When I chose to do all those things because I wanted to and because I loved the Lord. I started to CHOOSE to become the woman God needs me to be. I'm still on that path, and will be my whole life. There isn't going to be an end to learning and growth. Life would be horrible if we weren't growing and learning all the time. I think thats why I love a mission. It is helping me learn so much about myself, about family, about my Savior, about Heavenly Father, about life. Things I wouldn't have learned by staying home. I love y'all so much! Thank for all your support and love! I love you!

Love, Sister Record


  1. Just wanted to report and let you know that my talk about charity went well, and I did use some of Sister Record's April 23 letter in it, to show how that once we've experienced the love of our Savior in our own lives, through faith and repentance, then sharing the gospel becomes a natural thing to do. Also, more than 70 years ago my dad served a mission in the Central States Mission, and he spent many months in Oklahoma. In his letters home to his mother, he, too, talked about the heat and humidity; and he also mentioned the tornadoes that were nearby but didn't affect him personally. Some things never change, do they.

  2. That's great! Thank you for sharing.
